Poems from Amelia Maria

Greetings, fellow poetry lovers.
I've been involved in poetry and writing ever since I discovered my ability to string two sentences together.
It's an outlet. An escape and a way for my voice to be heard in times when I feel as if words are impossible to formulate on my lips.
I'm sixteen. Practically a little one. Being short and petite doesn't help either. Not the prettiest, not the smartest nor the most athletic hockey player on the team. I'm neither loud nor do I keep my mouth shut. My opinions are to be heard, but when it's regarding my problems - putting my pen to paper resolves everything.
Even though I'm still young, I've experienced situations unimaginable. And poetry soothes the aches and pains that are leftover from everything that has scorched my life.
Poetry gives me purpose.
Productive information
Swims to a destructive girl.
It fills her mind,
And proceeds to swirl.
In it, it bubbles,
Whispers and screams,
Last night I dreamt about you. You were here, in my bedroom, holding my hand. You pressed my fragile head against your chest as I started...